Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori
Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori

Ibiza - Super Soft Rabbit Vibraattori

Sale price€69,95

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✅ No Hotcat's name on the package

✅ Fast deliveries 1-3 business days

✅ Ecological deliveries

Material info

Sex toys are made from many different materials, and their choice affects the toy

security and user experience. Here are some of the most common sex toys

1. Silicone: Sex toys made of silicone are very popular because they
are safe, hypoallergenic and easy to clean. Silicone is soft,
flexible, porous and smooth, which makes it feel pleasant on the skin. It
is also durable and withstands wear and tear well and stores heat. Certain ones
sex toys, especially those designed for internal use,
is made of medical silicone, which is particularly safe and
durable material. Always and only use water-based with silicone

2. Natural rubber/latex: Rubber and latex can cause allergic reactions
for certain people, so they should be used with caution. They are flexible and durable
and with these you can use both silicone and water-based lubricants.
If you are allergic to natural rubber or latex, we do not recommend purchasing
outfits or sex toys made with these materials. Do not use oil-based ones
lubricants or other oil products together with latex. Rubber and latex
you can wash/rinse with lukewarm water.

3. Glass: Sex toys made of glass are durable, easy to clean and can
be subject to temperature fluctuations (heated or cooled). Glass
the products are very easy to wash and keep hygienic. No decomposition
need to be afraid during use. Use either silicone or water-based with the glass
lubricant. Glass toys can also be beautiful and aesthetic.

4. Metal: Sex toys made of metal, such as stainless steel, are
heavy, hard, durable and can be heated or cooled as needed. Them
are often considered good G-spot stimulators. Metal sex toys can be
beautiful and aesthetic and can be found in many different shapes and
in patterns. Stainless steel and aluminum are the most common metals, of which
sex toys are made. These metals are hypoallergenic and safe
for skin contact. The metal is smooth and easy to clean and disinfect, which
makes metal sex toys very hygienic. Use metal sex toys
with silicone or water-based lubricant.

5. Plastic and hard plastic (ABS): Made of plastic and hard plastic
Sex toys are usually inexpensive, durable and easy to clean. ABS plastic
can be dyed in different shades and can include different textured surfaces such as
grooves, bumps or patterns, to increase stimulation. It does not bend or shape
change easily, so it keeps its shape during use. Remember to make sure
that they are safe for skin contact and do not contain harmful substances. ABS
in the case of plastic, it is important to make sure that the sex toys are phthalate-free,
as some older ABS plastics may contain phthalates which can
be harmful to health. Many manufacturers today have stricter compliance
safety standards and manufacture phthalate-free ABS sex toys.
Use a water-based lubricant with plastic sex toys.

6. PVC and other soft plastics: Many inexpensive sex toys are manufactured
from soft PVC. PVC is flexible and soft, which makes it comfortable
material for many different sex toys, such as dildos, butt plugs and
for making penis rings. Thanks to its flexibility, it can adapt
to body shapes. PVC can contain phthalates, which can be harmful
for health. That's why it's important to make sure that PVC sex toys are phthalate-free.
Today, however, most manufacturers produce phthalate-free PVC
sex toys to ensure safety. If you are allergic to natural rubber
do not use PVC products. Can be used with PVC sex toys if desired
condoms. Use a water-based lubricant with PVC sex toys!
Can be washed in hand-drained water with mild soap.

7. TPE plastic: TPE or thermoplastic elastomer is a common material that
used in the manufacture of sex toys. TPE is a flexible and soft material,
which resembles silicone and latex. The flexibility and softness of TPE
making it a comfortable and flexible material for sex toys. It bends and stretches so that it
can better adapt to body shapes. TPE is generally hypoallergenic,
which means that it is suitable for many people and does not cause allergic reactions.
TPE can be heat sensitive, meaning it can heat up the body
temperature quickly, which can increase the pleasantness of the user experience. Use it
TPE sex toys with water-based lubricant!

8. Loveclone: ​​Which refers to TPR material (Thermoplastic Rubber) or TPE
to the material (Thermoplastic elastomer). These materials are used
in the manufacture of sex toys, and they are designed to resemble real skin
and to provide a pleasant and natural feel to users. TPR and TPE
are soft and flexible materials that are well suited as sex toys.
Loveclone sex toys are popular especially because of their feel. They
often feel very soft and natural on the skin and are pleasant
use. The advantage of these materials is also their flexibility, which
allowing them to bend and adapt to body shapes. They can
imitate real skin visually as well, and they can have details such as
folds and veins. As with other soft sex toys, it is
important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use of Loveclone sex toys
cleaning and handling. As these toys can be porous,
using a condom can be a good way to protect yourself from contamination and make it easier
cleaning. Water-based lubricant with TPE/Loveclone sex toys!

It is important to note that sex toys are safe and easy to clean
primary factors. Always check the instructions that come with the toy for the material
care and cleaning. Also protects sex toys from scratches and damage,
so that they maintain their safety and service life.

If you have allergic symptoms, reactions, or any other disease to think about, contact us
see a doctor!

REMEMBER to store all Sex Toys separately from each other!

What are flatates?
Phthalates are chemical compounds used as softeners and additives
in the manufacture of plastics and various other products. They have been widely used
among other things for softening PVC plastics (polyvinyl chloride) and
for increasing bendability. Phthalates are also used in cosmetics, adhesives,
in paints and many other products that require plasticity and
bendability. Most manufacturers clearly state if their product
are phthalate-free.

On aika harrastaa seksiä missä tahansa!

Kriitikoiden ylistetty rabbit vibraattori parani juuri! Valmistettu pehmeimmästä, vartalolle turvallisimmasta silikonista upeissa mustan ja kullan yhdistelmäväreissä. Ibiza SUPERSOFT rabbit vibrator ™ on täydellinen kaksitoiminen vibraattori, jonka avulla voit saavuttaa tyydyttävän tuloksen. G-pisteen ja klitoriksen samanaikainen stimulointi mahdollistaa voimakkaan stimulaation ja vapauttamisen kaikista tukkeutuneista estoistasi.


Koska tyytyväisyys ei ole koskaan liiallista, tässä IBIZA-vibraattorissa on 10 taajuusvärähtelytilaa pehmeästä sivuäänestä äärimmäiseen tärinään.


30 % enemmän tehoa intensiivisempään ja syvempään tärinään kuin muut saman alueen vibraattorit.


Pitkäkestoisella akulla, joten voit nauttia tuntikausia ilosta.

100 % Vesitiivis:

Täydellinen kylpyyn ja suihkuun. Vapauttaa G-pisteen ja helpottaa klitoriksen orgasmia.


Laadukas silikoni, joka on lämmin ja miellyttävä koskettaa


Kaksi tehokasta moottoria
10 värähtelytaajuutta.
Materiaali; 100% silikoni ja kultainen abs nuppi.
Vesitiiveys IPX6
Klitoriaalinen stimulaatio ja g piste.
Löydä kehosi jokainen intiimi nurkka kauniilla IBIZA ROTATING AND RABBIT™ -vibraattorilla, jossa on enemmän tehoa kuin muualla sarjassaan, laajempi intensiteettialue ja peräti kymmenen tärinätasoa. Tutki kehosi läheisyyttä ja löydä samalla uusi ja syvempi tasapaino.

Puhutaanpa uudesta Sex Toys Ibiza -brändistä.

Lisätäänkö ripaus tunteita ibizalaiseen inspiraatioon? Ibiza edustaa uusia kokemuksia, jokaisesta yksityiskohdasta huolehtimista, jokaista muotoa, moottoreiden vahvuutta ja erinomaista kosketusta.

Ibiza on koostettu Brändi koostuu yhteensä kymmenestä eksklusiivisesta lelusta, joista jokaisessa on erikoistoimintoja, jotka saavat myymäläsi loistamaan ja herättävät huomion ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ainutlaatuisen esittelynsä ansiosta.

Kaikki lelut on valmistettu korkealaatuisesta superpehmeästä hypoallergeenisesta silikonista, joka on silkinpehmeä joka kaaressa ja koostumuksessa, erittäin helppo puhdistaa ja lyömättömällä kosketuksella. Tämä on arvioitu parhaaksi materiaaliksi käytettäväksi seksileluissa helpon voitelunsa, kestävyyden ja tietysti ylellisen ja erinomaisen ulkonäön ansiosta.

Silikonin lisäksi niissä on helmikultainen yksityiskohta, joka huipentuu eleganssiin ja on paras ostovaihtoehto kauniille ja ylelliselle yksityiskohdalle pariskuntien tai erityisten seuralaisten kesken. Kymmenen eksklusiivista lelua, joista jokaisessa on erikoistoimintoja, jotka saavat yrityksesi loistamaan ja herättävät huomion ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ainutlaatuisen esittelynsä ansiosta.

Jos puhumme mukavuudesta kuljetuksessa ja harkinnanvaraisuudesta, Ibiza aloittaa innovaatiolla, koska pidämme sitä myös erittäin tärkeänä osana eroottisen lelun ostokokemusta. Kun ostat lelun Ibizalta, saat premium-laatikon, jonka sisällä on musta kuljetuskassi, josta löydät lelun, laturin ja kerta-annospussin Waterfeel Neutral -voiteluainetta, jotta asiakkaan ensikokemus on yhtä miellyttävä kuin mahdollista, ja lelun voi viedä huomaamattomasti minne haluat.

"Kun ilo on kahden asia, kaikki paranee." Ibizalla on leluja, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti sinun pariskunnan viihtymiseen, ja niitä voidaan käyttää sekä hänelle että naiselle tarkoitetuissa peleissä sekä sidonnassa tai kaukosäätimen munia käyttämällä, jotka stimuloivat huomaamattomasti naisen G-pistettä, jolloin käytä sitä erityisellä ajanvarauksella paikasta riippumatta.

Tämän luksusleluvalikoiman perimmäinen tavoitteemme on saada jokainen, jolla on yksi heistä, tuntemaan olonsa erityiseksi, kun hän on kärsivällisesti tutkinut, mitä loppuasiakas tarvitsee täyttääkseen kaikki tarpeensa ja huolehtinut jokaisesta yksityiskohdasta tehdäkseen siitä parhaan mahdollisen lahjan. tehdä joku erityinen

Tästä syystä esittelemme Ibizan erottaaksemme ylellisyydestä, antaaksemme seksille muotoa ja persoonallisuutta ennennäkemättömällä tavalla, jotta alustavasta leikistä tulee jotain tarpeellista pariskunnille ja tehdä itsetyydytyksestä hieno hetki, joka merkitsee eroa nautintokokemuksessa.

Miksi valita Ibiza-materiaali?


Kaikki Ibiza-lelut on valmistettu silkinpehmeästä lääketieteellisestä silikonista, joka on erittäin liukas ja imee nopeasti kehosi lämpöä. Lelu on helppo puhdistaa lämpimällä vedellä ja pienellä määrällä saippuaa. Pienellä desinfioivalla lelujen puhdistusaineella voit varmistaa erityisen perusteellisen hygienian – ihanteellisesti Waterfeelin tai Intimichicin täydellisesti koordinoidulla desinfiointisuihkeella. Maksimaalisen tasaisen nautinnon saavuttamiseksi käytä aina leluasi jonkin Waterfeel-vesipohjaisen liukasteen kanssa, joka sopii täydellisesti tuotteeseen.

Delivery & return

Order today and your package will be shipped the next business day. Fast and reliable delivery directly to your door.

Delivery & return

Order today and your package will be shipped the next business day. Fast and reliable delivery directly to your door.


Ecology is important to us, and that is why we are committed to reducing
our environmental impact.

We deliver the products directly from our main warehouse
to minimize the amount of transport and the carbon footprint. In addition, our operating model
enables the consumption of a smaller amount of packaging materials than products
there is no need to send large quantities between different warehouses. All
our packaging materials are recyclable.
We are proud to be able to offer our customers not only quality
products also the opportunity to make environmentally conscious choices.


Ecology is important to us, and that is why we are committed to reducing
our environmental impact.

We deliver the products directly from our main warehouse
to minimize the amount of transport and the carbon footprint. In addition, our operating model
enables the consumption of a smaller amount of packaging materials than products
there is no need to send large quantities between different warehouses. All
our packaging materials are recyclable.
We are proud to be able to offer our customers not only quality
products also the opportunity to make environmentally conscious choices.

Finnish payment methods

You can make the payment safely and easily using the following options:

  • Online banks: Pay for products directly from your own online bank. Our support includes all major banks, such as Nordea, OP, Danske Bank, and S-Pankki.
  • Mobile payments: You can use MobilePay, Pivot or Siirto for fast and effortless payment directly from your phone.
  • Credit cards: We accept all major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
  • Invoice and installment payment: We also offer the option to pay by invoice or installment payment, which gives flexibility to the payment schedule.

All payment transactions are processed using the best security measures in the industry, so you can trust that your information will remain protected.

Finnish payment methods

You can make the payment safely and easily using the following options:

  • Online banks: Pay for products directly from your own online bank. Our support includes all major banks, such as Nordea, OP, Danske Bank, and S-Pankki.
  • Mobile payments: You can use MobilePay, Pivot or Siirto for fast and effortless payment directly from your phone.
  • Credit cards: We accept all major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
  • Invoice and installment payment: We also offer the option to pay by invoice or installment payment, which gives flexibility to the payment schedule.

All payment transactions are processed using the best security measures in the industry, so you can trust that your information will remain protected.